The Datsun Z: The Fender Mirrors vs Regular Mirrors Debate

The Datsun Z: The Fender Mirrors vs Regular Mirrors Debate

There's been a lot of talk among a lot of car lovers about fender mirrors vs regular mirrors on the S30. It's a debate as old as mankind.

Some think those shiny and sleek fender mirrors give an awesome vintage feel! Others argue they take too much getting used to, or they prefer regular mirrors. There are pros and cons to both, and personally, I love the looks of both.

When you talk about this topic, you need to weigh both style and functionality. Which setup actually makes sense for your Z? Is it worth switching to fender mirrors for that cool old-school look, or should you stick with regular mirrors for much more helpful reasons?

Let's talk a bit about both options!

What Are Fender Mirrors?

The debate between fender mirrors and regular mirrors can spark strong opinions sometimes. As I think about the 240Z, 260Z, and 280Z models - I remember that fender mirrors have both good and bad points. You have to weigh these if you are deciding between them.

So, what are fender mirrors exactly? In the 1970s and 1980s, Japanese cars had "fendā mirā" or wing mirrors for a few reasons - mostly local laws and safety, and they help with your line of sight by reducing blind places- especially those difficult C-pillar ones. That way, you can just glance at the mirrors with minimal head-turning, and they can keep track of the road better. Fender mirrors also let you focus more since they are positioned more within your forward vision and that improves safety quite a bit.

Fender Mirrors

Now, let's talk about the looks. The appeal is a big part of it, too. These mirrors give your car a classic look that improves the vintage and sporty feel of your Datsun Z and that makes its Japanese styling its best to make your car stand out - especially in places where fender mirrors aren't close. And, in tight spaces, fender mirrors stick out less than door-mounted ones and that makes it easier for you to maneuver through narrow roads and tight parking spaces.

But there are some downsides. Fender mirrors usually give you a smaller viewable area because they are further from you and that makes it tough to place objects quickly. Depth perception is another issue because their position can make judging distances harder - especially with things that are far away. That's a real challenge. Ready for the trouble of manual adjustment? Changing these mirrors sometimes means getting out of the car - and that's far from perfect compared to today's easy, electronically adjustable door mirrors.

Fender mirrors are also open to being knocked out of alignment and that means regular adjustments are needed. Annoying, I know.

Let's not forget about the installation and maintenance. Installing these on a car not originally equipped with them can be complicated and might danger damaging the car's body - you have to drill, after all. And you can't undo drill holes very easily if you make a mistake. Some kits (like the fender mirror mounts we sell at Skillard ) make life a bit easier and can replace old rusted parts.

Besides, when you are on the fenders, these mirrors face more exposure to road debris and small collisions that increase the chances of damage quite a bit. It's something you might need to think about.

Now, let's talk about the efficiency and effectiveness of traditional mirrors.

Traditional Mirrors: Standard But Helpful?

When it comes to door mirrors for your Datsun 240Z - 260Z - and 280Z, there are some good and bad things to think about! These cars originally came with door mirrors. Enthusiasts sometimes look at other options, like fender mirrors, for different reasons.

Let's talk about door mirrors. I find them easy to use because you can change them from inside the car and that makes them helpful and safer if you have to move them quite a bit while driving, and they also sometimes give you a bigger view and that helps with seeing and staying safe when you're driving. Do you like keeping your car original and true to its roots? If so, OEM door mirrors keep the car's original look and feel. That's important for purists who care about real restorations.

Also, remember that door mirrors are more available and easier to find as OEM parts or aftermarket replacements. That's a big plus. We carry some awesome door mirrors and door mirror mounts here at Skillard.

Door Mirrors

But let's not forget how it looks. Some people love the style of fender mirrors because they give your car a JDM style to make your car stand out.

Then there's the installation side. Adding a passenger-side door mirror to models that only came with a driver-side mirror will need drilling new holes and that will be difficult to get right.

Fender mirrors have their own pros, too, and they give your car a cool JDM style, and they make the car look vintage and race-inspired and that a lot of people love. Since they are closer to your line of sight, you don't have to turn your head as much and that makes them more ergonomic for some drivers.

Now, let's look at the downsides of fender mirrors. One big issue is that you have to adjust them from outside the car and that can be a problem if you need it. Besides, because they are farther from the driver, they give you a smaller view compared to door mirrors - which can affect visibility and safety. And since they are more exposed, they're more likely to get damaged by people or mechanics working on the car. Annoying, right?

So, when it comes to how easy it's to use and its functionality - which kind of mirror fits you best?

Functionality: Which Is Easier To Use?

When you look at how well fender mirrors and door mirrors work and how easy they are to use on the Datsun 240Z, 260Z, and 280Z, there are lots of things to think about. Visibility, just to give you an example, matters. Do you know that fender mirrors can give you a much wider view? This cuts down on blind places! You get a much better look at cars coming up from behind or from the side. Door mirrors, on the other hand, usually give you a narrower view, and they might not cover as much area and might even increase blind places.

Think about changing them. One big downside of fender mirrors is that they are not possible to adjust from inside the car. Have you ever had to step out just to change your position? It can be quite a pain. Door mirrors win here because you can usually adjust them from inside, manually or electronically, depending on the model and that makes them much friendlier to use - especially while you are driving.

The looks of your car also matter. Fender mirrors have a classic and vintage appeal. A lot of fans of old cars like the Datsun Z series love them - they help keep the old-time look of the car and That's a big deal for collectors and restorers, I think. Door mirrors, though more modern, might not match the vintage style of the older Datsun models, and this can put off those wanting to keep the car's original look.

Easier to Use

How about aerodynamics? Fender mirrors can cause more wind resistance and noise compared to door mirrors - door mirrors are usually designed to be more aerodynamic, and they help cut down on drag and slightly help with fuel efficiency that might be important if you sometimes drive at higher speeds.

Let's also talk about the installation. Installing fender mirrors can be more complicated. Sometimes, it will need drilling into the fender, and it's a bit of a one-way street if you don't want to make irreversible changes to your car. Door mirrors sometimes have the upper hand here since they are much easier to install and replace, and they usually fit into existing mounting points without needing extra modifications.

So, when it comes to visibility and safety - let's look further into which option gives you much more.

Which Gives You Better Visibility And Safety?

When you look at the visibility and safety features of fender mirrors and door mirrors on the Datsun 240Z, 260Z, and 280Z - a few things come into play! Let's dive right in. Which one gives you better visibility and safety?

For visibility, fender mirrors sit there on the front fenders closer to the front of the car. That place usually gets a wider view because they are so more forward, and that means you see more of the road and surroundings. But here's a thing: the distance from you makes it harder for you to adjust them while driving. It might stay away from you from seeing small details. Door mirrors are mounted on the doors closer to you.

While they might give a narrower view, they focus quite a bit more on blind places right next to and behind the car, and their closeness to you makes them easier to adjust and gives you a clearer view. See the difference?

Better Visibility

For safety, fender mirrors can cut down on blind places with their wider view, but they are harder to adjust, and they are farther from you, so you sometimes have to step out to adjust them. After this, it can be a safety issue if you need to change mirror positions while driving. But, some people think fender mirrors cause less aerodynamic drag and keep the classic look of those vintage Datsun Z models.

On the other hand, door mirrors are great at covering blind places right next to the car. That's super important for lane changes and merging, easier to adjust while you drive, helps with safety, and lets you keep the mirror set right. Besides, door mirrors match modern safety standards and what drivers usually expect, so they might well work better with other new safety features. That makes sense, right?

So, what's more important for you? A wide view or ease of adjustment? I think about it.

Next, let's talk about the legality of fender mirrors in different places and why those regulations matter.

Are Fender Mirrors Legal Everywhere?

Wondering if those beautiful Fender mirrors on your Datsun Z are actually legal everywhere? Let me walk you through it.

In Japan, these fender mirrors were the standard on passenger cars until 1983 - they became popular because they let drivers see behind them without having to turn their heads. That improved safety by cutting down on blindspots! Even though door mirrors became the norm after 1983, fender mirrors are still legal and are a popular choice for a lot of taxi drivers who like them for the same reasons. So, if you're cruising around Japan, you can keep those fender mirrors on your classic Datsun Z, and they are completely legal.


But let's talk about the United States, where the situation is a bit more complicated. Rules about fender mirrors can change from state to state. Federal law says you have to have at least one rearview mirror that gives you a clear view of the road behind you. Most states follow these same basic needs - they don't say exactly where the mirror has to be, though. But don't think you're in the clear just yet.

Some states, like California, have more specific rules. California Vehicle Code Section 26709 says that vehicles need two rearview mirrors. One has to be on the driver's side, and the other must either be inside the car or on the passenger's side. That means that even though you could use fender mirrors, they must still meet these functional needs. That makes sense, right?

Now, what about other places? Europe is sort of like the U.S. - vehicles will usually need functional rearview mirrors that have the right visibility without saying exactly where they should be placed. Local regulations can vary, so it's a good idea to check the some laws of the specific country you're in or plan to visit. In Australia, things are guided by Australian Design Rules (ADRs). This attention to the functionality of specific mirrors - as long as the mirrors give you the needed field of vision, putting them on the fender is usually fine. Helpful, isn't it?

So, what's the bottom line, here? If those cool Fender mirrors on your Datsun Z are legal depends on where you're driving. Local regulations are important.

Personal Preference Or Performance?

When deciding which mirrors to get for your Datsun, you might find yourself thinking quite a bit about your options. I know I did! What fits your style better and matches your driving needs better? For some, the beauty of fender mirrors and a wider view can't be beaten. Others just like the easy and helpful nature of the traditional door mirrors. Each setup has its own benefits - figuring out this choice is a fun part of customizing your drive. So, what does the appeal of the road mean to you? Customizing your car gives you a chance to make your classic ride yours.

That's where Skillard comes in. Our company is all about making awesome custom parts for your Datsun - if you're working on a 240Z, 260Z, or 280Z, we have lots of options for you. We also makes parts for the 280ZX, the 510, and more. We even came out with universal hood vents recently that work with any vehicle.

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